really want to get to the bottom of this? Former DCI Brennan.
27 April 2017 (Evening Update):
You know, if one looked at the leaks, or conveniently timed revelations, of the whole Russia spygate thing you could be forgiven to think it's somehow planned.
of all, let's not forget the former State Dept employee Farkas. The one who said 'this information' meaning illegally spread throughout government. They wanted to make sure this intel 'didn't diaappear' when the new people took office.
This is the trap
that President Trump walked into. The quasi-illegal surveillance, which was clearly illegal in the Flynn case, was set up deliberately to catch somebody in an artificially created web of intrigue.
As this site has been saying since Day One. You can
create an elaborate fiction, and then get someone involved in a crime of either process or perjury. Apparently, General Flynn didn't either report, nor get the permission of, the Dept of Defense to accept any fees.
Now here's the key to this tale.
All of this happened during the LAST administration. His appearance on RT, his fee acceptance, all of it. The big revelation here is that Fynn was subjected to another security review AFTER this incident occurred.
That's right. He had been cleared
once, was the head of the DIA, and was given his five year review after this, and long before he became part of Trump's advisory team. For some reason this extremely important distinction was met with cynical laughs from CNN.
Shepherd Smith at FOX as
well. The reaction was of 'how dare you' blame the previous administration for this. Smith was incredulous that they didn't 'vet him again'. Hate to tell him this, but THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS.
His clearance was a matter of national security, NOT becoming
a part of a new administration. The FBI background check, which is so thorough most civilians wouldn't believe half of it, is done because of government need.
Not the vicissitudes of a political campaign. Sean Spicer, who is both a Navy veteran and
has a security clearance as well, explained it well. But the same media types- Jonathan Karl, Jim Sciutto, Jeff Zeleny, Jim Acosta, and Major Garrett- all asked the same question phrased differently, and it was apparent that the 'narrative' had a tidbit it
The hell with Carter Page. Mike Flynn is a FAR better catch, and some of the more unhinged among the Democrats immediately shouted 'treason', which is just a 2 syllable, seven letter word to them.
One. More. Time.
Michael Flynn
is a patriot, a brilliant man with vision and an deep understanding of the threat Islamic radicalism, which is political, NOT religious, is. He knows the difference between Islam as a religion and the Wahabbist/Shia fundamentalism that wants conquest.
That the previous foreign policy was, and still is, a disaster. And Russia- big, bad, Russia is the regional key to stability and to control of Iran.
That is, unless, you don't want stability. Perhaps knocking off Syria, after
doing it to Iraq and Libya, is preferred. Then you have Russia on the chopping block. Vladimir Putin, who John McCain calls 'a punk', would be forced to step down.
The Russian Federation and more important, Gazprom, would no longer exist. The big EU
banks could buy the oil and natural gas reserves at wholesale prices and that wealth would be transferred from Russia to the EU.
Which is why the EU and NATO have such good media press, Brexit, Trump and Marine Le Pen not so much. It all fits
if you piece it together.
The newest revelations on Flynn means nothing; a technicality. His counsel said he reported to the state and defense departments both before and after he returned. That, and the advising fees from a Dutch company that represented
Turkey, are no big deal.
It may be kind of sordid, but it goes on all the time. His offenses are trivial, and completely political by nature. It's just not that hard to find a crime of either process or perjury in these situations.
As far as
Flynn's resignation, he deliberately kept Pence out of the loop of an intel stream. Why is not known, but lack of trust is expected. Flynn was a spook, you know.
Leaks were everywhere, and the opposition had declared war on the new president. Sources
say he was close to the Iran deal and the ugly facts implicating John Brennan, and Ben Rhodes,
Other sources say the phone call to Lavrov, and it's leak -most likely Sally Yates- were part of a trap laid by them. If so, it worked very well.
far. Trump needs to survive this calculated attempt to force him into a war for one party by feeding conspiracy theories to yet another. He has only 50 or so of his own people in place.
General Michael Flynn?
He's the latest Scooter
Libby, or G Gordon Liddy. Or maybe even E Howard Hunt of Kennedy CIA fame. Someone caught in the wheels of history, and being ground to bits before his case is adjudicated.
It's sad. He deserves much better, and one hopes that the REAL truth of all
this comes out. Of course certain intelligence agencies and their bureaucrats wouldn't look very good.
Now would they? ...
Fred Hill
Totally agree with you that Obamacare/ACA has to be totally REPEALED at all cost! Nice blog, I shared it on FB.